Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More changes announced!

CCP Chronotis has published a new devblog on some more changes coming in Tyrannis. Finally, a rebalancing in loot drops, drone alloys, and some ore changes for low sec. While I am hardly the full on industrialist, nor claim to understand the complete process behind these changes, I have followed the numerous posts on EveO forums about the changes needed to improve income from mining. Players have asked for a mining and loot drop rebalance for as long as I've been playing. It is good to see CCP responding to their player base and listening to the good advice that some have been giving.

They are also making insurance a dynamic system that will automatically self adjust to market changes. I'm not going to go into too much detail, you'll need to read the devblog for that, but this is very exciting news. This will remove the mineral basket floor and give the market to the miners. At least, that is what is predicted. While it won't get rid of suicide ganks, like some seem to think, it should make ganks where little to no profit is to be had much more rare. And as the insurance adjusts to the market, the payout on the hull shouldn't make the ganker money as they are now with certain ships.

The other positive effect is that T2 hulls will get a small boost to payouts. Still not coming close to compensating for a loss, but 40% is much better than 10% or less. Same for T3 hulls, but not subsections. And it looks like supercapitals, titans and supercarriers, will get a measly 1% or so of value to make their losses even worse for the respective pilots.

At the end of the day, more great news for Tyrannis, making May seem further and further away!!

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