Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's been a while....

since I last posted. Not much has been happening though on my side. A couple days ago I decided to move a clone back into Caldari space where I have access to level 3 and 4 agents. I was tired of running weak level 2 missions where I was at not earning any real isk for my effort and time. And actually, that is all I have done since my last post. Oh wait, no, I did participate on a roam.

For a whole 45 minutes, 30 of that waiting for others to get in fleet. I should have remembered that despite setting up the time and date 2 days in advance, people still are never ready at the given time. I wasn't really planning on going at first because I knew I'd be leaving soon, but I decided I was there, ready, and might as well get my feet wet again. Once we got moving, it was good. Right away, we came upon a Legion (T3 cruiser!) on a gate, but failed to hold him, and missed him on the other side due to our over-excitement. That kill would have been nice to have. But soon, I had to go, and logged off.
When I came back on, I initially thought I was going to roam on back, looking for something that my poor little Merlin might be able to take on it's own. That was when a Morsus Mihi scout in a Taranis intercepter hopped in system. Knowing that he would tear my little frigate apart, I quickly made my way to my out gate. Right as I jumped out, local spiked to 30+, and the chase was on! As luck would have it, I was able to stay just in front of the intercepter and his gang, and made it back to blue systems. I continued on to my ultimate destination, and apparently his gang decided to camp the blue station instead of pursuing little ole me. Needless to say, it got the heart pumping again!

As I look back on that, despite running scared, I realize that situational assessment is as important as bravery. Could I have stayed and engaged the Taranis? Sure, most likely it wouldn't have ended well, but I would have gained a bit more experience. But getting ganked and raped by a large gang isn't the best learning experience either. So yeah, here I am rationalizing me tucking tail and GTFO!

Here is a little scenery to look at while you laugh at me, the Hookbill, Bentbeak, I bought a year or so ago and got reacquainted with upon returning to my old stomping grounds:

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