Sunday, May 2, 2010

April in review

I haven't done a review before, so I guess now is a good time to start. April has been an interesting month play wise, and a milestone skill wise.

At the beginning of April I wasn't playing much, and wasn't too interested in playing. But as the month progressed, I began to play more and started really concentrating on missions to build my wallet back up to acceptable levels. At the same time, my former corp and alliance began a new campaign into the north in which I had no desire to participate in. As the month came to close, I found myself questioning whether I should still fly with them as it wasn't what I was interested in doing in game. So I said goodbye, and left Pilots from Honour and the great group of people behind.

April also saw me pass 20 million skill points. Taking Diplomacy to level 4 to repair my Gallente standings saw me to 20,016,487 or so. Earlier on in the month I finished Rockets V and Heavy Assault Missiles to IV along with a couple other missile support skills to IV. Some of this for my mission drake, and HAM was for a Sacrilege that I decided I wanted to fly, yet discovered that I am not yet ready for. I also finished Tactical Shield Manipulation IV finally, so tech 2 hardeners are the order of the day!

I'm not yet sure what May will bring, but I think that raising my raven skills up as well as finishing up some skills towards a Hulk will be in order. My alt is still skilling up for an Orca to help with logistics and mining when I decide to do it. I think that will occupy the entire month, most of it will be dedicated to Mining Barge V.

This is Th0rG0d's pie chart of skills, taken up mostly by gunnery and spaceship command:

Included in those large chunks are skills allowing me to fully tech 2 fit Caldari, Amarr, and Gallente HACS except for the Cerberus and Sacrilege. I don't have sentry drones for the Ishtar either. The summer should clear out those exceptions, as well as tech 2 projectiles, but I don't think I will include Minmatar cruiser V in there for a while. I think battleship skills will round out the rest of the year, as well as some leadership and corporation management skills. But all this is still speculation as nothing has been decided upon for my future in New Eden.

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