Thursday, May 6, 2010

CSM Voting

Right now, the voting is happening for CSM 5. I did it, so should you! Go vote and help your player voice get heard.

Okay, enough of that. I and my alt voted. As you'll see, there are only a handful of well articulate candidates (in English at least). Several candidates didn't even take the time to post a quick statement of their platform in the voting page. I don't care if they have the best ideas, the best personal webpage/forum thread. If they can't take the time to fill in the block that CCP gives them, why would I think they are capable to take my issues to CCP?

I think it is humorous that their seems to be this public outcry of the CSM as a popularity contest. REALLY? I hate to break it to you, but that is what running for any office is. Campaigning is an attempt to raise your popularity. If you aren't popular, you won't get votes. It is as simple as that. The question that needs to be asked though is what makes someone popular?

Wealth, experience, the ability to communicate ideas and respond to others, charisma and more often then not, a similar line of thinking as you. These are some of the more obvious traits that all politicians develop and seek.

There are always people that will just select anyone, for no apparent reason, but those people are lazy. At least take the small amount of time to read a tiny bit of information out there. That is the whole reason the internet was built right? Proliferation of information that would otherwise be hard or impossible to obtain. Be sure to correct me if I'm wrong.

All I'm trying to say is vote. If there are no candidates that mesh with your tastes, then go ahead and abstain. While I don't agree with actually having an abstain button, go ahead and push it. But remember, running for office is a popularity contest. If I thought I was qualified (read popular), I'd run for 2 free trips to Iceland too! (remember that in the future!)

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