Wednesday, April 28, 2010


In my last post I mentioned that my corporation was possibly under alliance scrutiny and that things might be changing. So I took some initiative and responsibility for my own actions (or lack of) and dropped roles and said goodbye.

I am not an active PvPer, don't plan on becoming one soon, and am still going through a fluctuation of interest for Eve as a whole since my return. Freeing myself from the stress of being part of an alliance and freeing my corp of my unproductiveness I think will go a ways towards relieving some of the burden I feel while playing this game. I do have a current option on the table that I am seriously considering that will mesh with what I am doing, so we'll see how that goes.

In related news, I caved and purchased a Raven class battleship to start running level 4 missions. My first one went well; charged with destroying the Duo of Death, I quickly dispatched 2 Gurista Ravens and their webbing drones. My next mission, The Assault, went quickly south despite following the guides on how to run missions and survive. I bailed and am letting the mission reset before I try again. Luckily, I have 5 more days to attempt to finish it. In the meantime, I headed south into Gallente space to run some missions with a new friend to gain some experience and build my Gallente standings up.

That went extremely well, despite the fact I only had enough time to participate in 2 missions with him. We slaughtered some Serpentis scum with the combined might of our Ravens, our drones tearing through the small stuff, and our cruise missiles quickly dispatching their Megathron and Dominix class battleships. With my target painter, we even decimated their battlecruisers and cruiser hulls. I think I can say that neither of us are quite used to coordinating our attacks, but time will rectify any bumps that we are experiencing.

To all those from -PfH- that read this blog, thank you for all your help and support, and may you stay strong and rise to the top of heap! See you in space. o/

Monday, April 26, 2010

Time flies

Sitting here mining out asteroids in a mission, I realize that I haven't posted much lately. Really, there is not a whole lot to talk about it seems. But I have been running quite a few missions, getting my standings up with Spacelane Patrol, and earning some isk along the way. I've set a personal goal of 15M isk per day. So far, I have been meeting that goal, but I am not doing it the optimal way seeing as it is taking me about 5 hours to obtain that. Running level 3 missions is not as effective as running level 4s.

I have been putting off running level 4s, but I may need to go ahead and make the transition. This week I'll have a full T2 tank on my drake, Sucker, but I think I'll have to switch over to a raven to be effective in level 4 missions. But that means an alteration to my skill plan, and get cruise missile skills up to at least level 4 and Caldari battleship to level 4 as well. I've been putting that off for almost a year now, instead focusing on the cruiser class ships and weapons.

And to top it all off, the raven and it's fittings are going to set me back 100M easily. Wonder how quickly I can get that back? A week, maybe 2?

On top of these happenings, it seems my corp is preparing to rip at the seams. There has been a lack of participation during alliance ops that has been noticed, and only the few regulars doing corp logistics as well. I for one am guilty of this, PvP and 0.0 wars just don't seem to be my thing. I am still unsure of what direction I will take, and how soon, but I may be flying solo here shortly. Whether I'm kicked before I make up my mind and drop myself will remain to be seen.

In more news, the test server, Sisi, will be getting another update this week, so I will probably be hopping on later this week to see what kind of changes were made.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The last few days

have been going fairly well in New Eden. I have begun to play a bit more, running missions and some very basic trading. I have set a goal of earning 14M isk per day, anything more is an added bonus. That is not all I have been doing though. Regardless of whether I am active in game, I am always active on the forums. Following announcements, player feedback, trends, trolls and flamers, and all the accompanying tidbits that comes with an active forum community.

PI feedback from Sisi is echoing what I have been posting here. Of course, there are always people who enjoy it and don't mind the tedium, but there is quite a lot of uproar about the tedious micromanaging, the lack of proposed features, and the general UI complaints that Eve is famous for. The clock is ticking, with less then 4 weeks to release, and I have my doubts. Hopefully, the final numbers will get adjusted and implemented soon so that people will be able to make finalized plans before this goes live.

There is some other news though. A few days ago, a thread started about a capsuleer who was able to appear right next to you, without showing up in local or on the directional scanner, and gank your ship right out from underneath you. Of course, the usual trolls came out, but things began to get more serious. Apparently, The Monkeysphere, of Pandemic Legion, has been using an exploit to kill macro-ratters (people who use programs to control their ship while not actively at the computer) for some time. Discussions began on other forums, namely an active Russian community forum, and they were quickly able to duplicate this exploit. As usual, with the community in a very vocal outpouring, CCP seems to have begun looking into this matter, but as of yet I have seen no actual official response that this is the case. Needless to say, I will be following this closely as exploits do have a serious negative impact on the Eve population.

Friday, April 16, 2010

More Sisi

Well, I've been playing around with Planetary Interaction on the test server. After a lot of forum reading, spreadsheet viewing, pin dropping, I can say that I am thoroughly disappointed.

It seems that the round circles are in fact the graphic for these Planetary Command Centers, Extractors, Processors and Storage facilities. Yeah, you can click on them and up pops a nice floating view of whatever you happen to be working with, but overall it is meh. Linking these circles (pins) are dotted lines that, once routes are set up, move in the direction the route is going.

Hold me down, I'm getting blown away!..........or not.

I guess an argument could be made that we are still too far away to view the planet surface that close up, but still.

On top of this, the UI went from fairly straight forward to pretty damn complicated. Right click is no longer your friend (even though Eve is almost entirely based on this one mouse button!), and menu selections are hidden from the obvious place to look. Eve gets quite a bit of flack about their poor UI, but this is not a step in the right direction at all.

One more annoying feature is the dreaded time delay for everything. Like changing ships in station, if you want to do anything quickly, it will not happen while managing your colony. Currently, there is no session change timer indicating the amount of delay left, so you find yourself spamming the submit button (which is still poorly placed!) to see how long it will be before you can continue on building, scanning, linking, and routing.

Speaking of the submit button, why the hell do we have to confirm all of our actions? Sure, some actions would be nice to confirm, like pin placement, but linking, routing, really?

I don't think that I will participate in PI when it goes live. It is dull and tedious. I am just not interested in more tedium. It isn't even fun to look at. Being promoted as something akin to SimCity, it falls flat. Tyrannis? The only tyranny here is the fact that CCP is forcing someone to partake in this because it is going to replace the NPC seeded items that are necessary for many other tasks in Eve.

On a brighter note, the new Scorpion model is beautiful, and hopefully Eve Gate will deliver it's promise to be an efficient communication tool outside of the client.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hanger stuffs

More blogger memes!! Yay! Well, since I haven't been playing much at all, just changing skills, and I haven't posted in quite awhile, I guess I'll take part. Okay, what was it again? Oh yeah, "What's in my hanger?"

Let's see, well, I've pretty much let go of stuff I don't fly, so this will be a short list.
1. Drake, Sucker, for that unfortunate need of making isk...
2. Ishkur, Thing, fit with a setup I found being touted as a high sec war-machine...
3. Enyo, packaged nicely, as I just haven't found a good use for it, nor a fit I am comfortable with.
4. Harpy, Feral Might, fit with 75 IIs and MSE. Not flown yet.
5. Arbitrator, Traitor, currently being used for exploration and salvaging.
6. Vexor, Vivacious, also being used as an exploration platform.
7. Thorax, Axe III, recently refit for PvP as a glass cannon. Sadly, unused....
8. Vengeance x2, still in the trade hub waiting for roflkets to be fixed with the upcoming expansion..... I hope!
9. IN Slicer, cleverly named Executioner(actually, I couldn't think of anything good) with a semi faction fit recommended by a corpmate. Not sure when this will actually get flown, but it looks cool!
10. Lastly, an Ashimmu, Fervent Mantis, just waiting for me to be able to afford to lose her in combat.

Notice the lack of core combat ships, no BSes, and no combat BCs either. Seeing as how I never flew them when I did own them, I've liquidated those assets. With no isk coming in, frankly, no isk can go out. Maybe when I get my desire to play back, my hanger composition will begin to change. Until then, skill changes will be the order of the day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Better late then never

So I haven't posted in a while. While contemplating my future in Eve, with the start of the new school quarter and my lack of desire to do much in game, my renewal date rolled around. I wasn't sure what I was going to do till I had just 2 hours left... I ended up renewing for 1 more month. I have started a bit of trading, and there is another war coming up later on today. We shall see what this month holds and make another determination then! In the mean time, I'll keep you up to date on the happenings, and keep this blog alive....