Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Shiny.....oh wait...

Long story, short version. I have just come back from a long sabatical, 8 months or so, and am finding it hard to get back into the full swing of things. Our corp and alliance has made significant progress during the whole BoB/Goon war, and once Dominion launched and shook up everyone's sovereignty, we as an alliance both grew and claimed null sec space. So we are in the process of getting everyone moved in, and building up infrastructure to begin cultivating and improving our space.

Okay, back-story out of the way.

So I have returned, slowly trying to rebuild my wallet to take advantage of the improved skills I have trained during my prolonged absence, and am finding it to be dull. But I am also hesitant to get into low sec to regain my pvp skills, or null sec to begin ratting and contributing to the sov improvements. I guess the wallet seems to be the dominant restricting factor, as I don't even have enough to replace more then a couple t2 fit battlecruisers or any assault frigates that I lose in the process, plus the logistics of moving all my kit halfway across the universe without the access to a freighter. I've only just started, and have only moved a couple of ships.

So today, while running some high sec anomalies, I got a bright idea. I need a new assault frigate to make me happy. Today I spent 31M isk purchasing and fitting probably the lowest regarded assault frigate offered. Yes, I bought a Retribution. I have been playing with fittings in EFT for some time and I liked the stats I could achieve and this will probably be my staple for gang ratting or running low sec anomalies solo. Should be quick enough to GTFO if needed, can speed tank rats while fitting a buffer and resist tank and will do enough dps to quickly dispatch the lower rats in our new space. If this hull had 1 more mid-slot, I believe it would be the dominant assault frigate behind the Ishkur.

I spent a full 1/3 of my wallet today on this new toy! Can I replace this? NO!! But I love it, and I hope it serves me well. I run with a great corp and I don't doubt they will help me bring it into our constellation. Here are some pics I took of Glomar's Heart for you to enjoy...

Glomar's Heart undocking from the station in Moutid.

Glomar's Heart dealing punishment during it's maiden combat voyage against a Sansha frigate in Hostni.


Arrhidaeus said...

If you want to PvP, but don't think you can afford it, your solution is simple - just fly a cheaper ship! Unfortunately, if your skills are primarily Amarr (which I just assume given the types of ships you mention flying), you may run into some difficulties in the solo PvP department. T1 arbitrators can be beastly if flown right (and snag most unsuspecting frigate sized ships, despite its cheap cost), but for Amarr, my personal favorite is the Slicer (though it is expensive, so this nullifies my previous statement of fly a cheaper ship). If a Slicer is flown properly though, it has much greater odds of not exploding as compared to its T2 equivalents though. You also can go the solo Punisher route, which I am not a huge fan of, but others seem to have success with.

Personally, I'd take the week it takes to get into a Rifter with T2 autocannons. You will never regret having that option if you crave PvP.

Th0rG0d said...

Great advice! I am working on those very things you mentioned! Thanks for the comment and following me!

Woo hoo! My first guest that I don't know!

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