Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I don't want to commit to doing a post every day, as that is a high standard that I don't think I can live up to, but just wanted to provide an update on my relocation progress. After 6 round trips, 17j each way, I have finally moved most of my personal assets, liquidated what I didn't need, and consolidated what I didn't yet want to get rid of. For those not in the know, logistics is a major part of this game. This took me the better part of 6 hours to accomplish today, no small feat. The kicker is that this is just my stuff..... An entire corporation takes longer, even with better tools at their disposal. Days, possibly weeks of preparation, planning, and getting personnel online to assist gets complicated. Just ask my CEO :) Anyway, the majority is accomplished, and just in time. A war dec was served to us that takes effect tomorrow. Will make for some interesting stories hopefully this week, more then just my travels. I will post the screenies of my ONI I took while site-seeing during the relocation as soon as I get the boxes unpacked and stuff sorted!

Oh yeah, I sorted my isk situation. Turns out I had a good 180M in assets that I don't really use, so those have been placed on the market to help alleviate the pinch I have been feeling! Who would've thought?!

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