Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shut down

I don't think I'll continue blogging in the near future. Maybe I'll continue someday, but as of now, I just can't see myself continuing on.

As of now, there is no commitment to continue this blog. I won't erase it, but I don't plan on making any further posts.

Thanks for reading to those that have been.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Well, real life has it's full grip on me. School has ramped up just a bit before finals. Haven't been on hardly at all for the last week or so. Hopefully this won't keep me occupied much longer, but we can just take it a day or so at a time. I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cruising along

Things are moving along nicely. Omnimodus Op is gathering a solid foundation, information is being disseminated, and people are meshing together nicely. Always good to see things coming along smoothly. If I am not in game, I'm out of game gathering information. Lately, I've been doing some more mining, both to contribute to the corp, and to gather the minerals needed to start building some Hurricane class battlecruisers. I think I got a good deal on 5 run BPCs, but I'll know for sure once they are built and sold. :)

This month has been very busy for me, but the stress has been the healthy kind. The news that Tyrannis has been pushed back till the 26th of May and the PCC seeding on the 8th of June is welcome news to me. Making sure a monumental feature such as PI is released in a functional and useful state is very important to the majority of players.

Sorry for a delay in posts, I'm trying to post more frequently, at least twice a week.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quick update

Well, May has started off all right. Omnimodus Operandi has been launched and is now open for business. Ops start today, and our research and manufacturing infrastructure is in place. Recruitment is beginning, as well as several corps in place to join the alliance which will be formed in short order.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of running a couple of level 4 missions with our new friends and I look forward to continue to do so. Target calling and cooperation went well, and I only screwed up aggro once! Luckily, no one lost anything, and it was me who drew full room aggro in Mordus Headhunters. After warping out and back in, it was smooth sailing. Our next mission was Angel Extravaganza, which was even easier until the bonus room. Let's just say, we couldn't complete it. After several tries, I had to go as my play time had come to a close.

If you have experience, or want experience in all things industry and are looking for a home, send an Eve mail to RobinLocksley or myself. We are a laid back, real life first corporation, and will continue to support that as the alliance comes into being.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

CSM Voting

Right now, the voting is happening for CSM 5. I did it, so should you! Go vote and help your player voice get heard.

Okay, enough of that. I and my alt voted. As you'll see, there are only a handful of well articulate candidates (in English at least). Several candidates didn't even take the time to post a quick statement of their platform in the voting page. I don't care if they have the best ideas, the best personal webpage/forum thread. If they can't take the time to fill in the block that CCP gives them, why would I think they are capable to take my issues to CCP?

I think it is humorous that their seems to be this public outcry of the CSM as a popularity contest. REALLY? I hate to break it to you, but that is what running for any office is. Campaigning is an attempt to raise your popularity. If you aren't popular, you won't get votes. It is as simple as that. The question that needs to be asked though is what makes someone popular?

Wealth, experience, the ability to communicate ideas and respond to others, charisma and more often then not, a similar line of thinking as you. These are some of the more obvious traits that all politicians develop and seek.

There are always people that will just select anyone, for no apparent reason, but those people are lazy. At least take the small amount of time to read a tiny bit of information out there. That is the whole reason the internet was built right? Proliferation of information that would otherwise be hard or impossible to obtain. Be sure to correct me if I'm wrong.

All I'm trying to say is vote. If there are no candidates that mesh with your tastes, then go ahead and abstain. While I don't agree with actually having an abstain button, go ahead and push it. But remember, running for office is a popularity contest. If I thought I was qualified (read popular), I'd run for 2 free trips to Iceland too! (remember that in the future!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

More changes

Well, while I'm hauling my stuff all the way across the universe again, I thought I'd post about some of the upcoming changes.

Upon leaving PfH, I was quickly approached with an idea to help form a new corp and alliance with like minded people. I promised to think about it, and I have given it some serious thought. I am currently moving my key assets across space now. Again...

I will not delve into too many details, as I am not sure how much I can say yet, but soon a tower will be anchored, the recruits will pour in, and the several corps committed to join already will form under the alliance banner. When Tyrranis hits on the 18 of this month, we will be ready for it as an alliance and begin to exploit those planets!

Here's to new adventures, some responsibility, and hopefully success!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

April in review

I haven't done a review before, so I guess now is a good time to start. April has been an interesting month play wise, and a milestone skill wise.

At the beginning of April I wasn't playing much, and wasn't too interested in playing. But as the month progressed, I began to play more and started really concentrating on missions to build my wallet back up to acceptable levels. At the same time, my former corp and alliance began a new campaign into the north in which I had no desire to participate in. As the month came to close, I found myself questioning whether I should still fly with them as it wasn't what I was interested in doing in game. So I said goodbye, and left Pilots from Honour and the great group of people behind.

April also saw me pass 20 million skill points. Taking Diplomacy to level 4 to repair my Gallente standings saw me to 20,016,487 or so. Earlier on in the month I finished Rockets V and Heavy Assault Missiles to IV along with a couple other missile support skills to IV. Some of this for my mission drake, and HAM was for a Sacrilege that I decided I wanted to fly, yet discovered that I am not yet ready for. I also finished Tactical Shield Manipulation IV finally, so tech 2 hardeners are the order of the day!

I'm not yet sure what May will bring, but I think that raising my raven skills up as well as finishing up some skills towards a Hulk will be in order. My alt is still skilling up for an Orca to help with logistics and mining when I decide to do it. I think that will occupy the entire month, most of it will be dedicated to Mining Barge V.

This is Th0rG0d's pie chart of skills, taken up mostly by gunnery and spaceship command:

Included in those large chunks are skills allowing me to fully tech 2 fit Caldari, Amarr, and Gallente HACS except for the Cerberus and Sacrilege. I don't have sentry drones for the Ishtar either. The summer should clear out those exceptions, as well as tech 2 projectiles, but I don't think I will include Minmatar cruiser V in there for a while. I think battleship skills will round out the rest of the year, as well as some leadership and corporation management skills. But all this is still speculation as nothing has been decided upon for my future in New Eden.